Morell Minor Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software
Home > MMHA 2024-2025 Registration

When asked "Are you a returning player?", this is required by the GoalLine system.  If you received email from the Morell Minor Hockey Association in the past via the GoalLine system, the player data had been entered in the system and will require an access code. If you do not know what your access code is, please click on the link below and the code will be emailed to you. If you have never received emails from the GoalLine site, you are likely not registered in the system and have to select "No" to the question "Are you a returning player?".

If you try to get your access code and it says the player is not set up in the system, please select "No" to the returning player question. This will by-pass the requirements for the access code.

* Indicates Required Field

Player Information

Are you a returning Player?

First Name *

Last Name *

Birthdate *

Access Code

(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.)

Email Address *

Verify Email Address *

Gender *

Position *

Address *

City / Hometown *

Province *

Postal Code *

Phone Number

Secondary Phone Number

Year in School *

Are you are returning player? *

Are you planning to try out for a rep team? *

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian First Name *

Parent/Guardian Last Name *

Parent/Guardian Email Address *

Verify Parent/Guardian Email Address *

Parent/Guardian Phone Number *

Parent/Guardian Address *

Parent/Guardian City *

Parent/Guardian Province / State *

Parent/Guardian Postal / Zip Code

Parent/Guardian 2 Information

Parent/Guardian 2 First Name *

Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name *

Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address *

Verify Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address *

Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number *

Parent/Guardian 2 Address

Parent/Guardian 2 City

Parent/Guardian 2 Province / State

Parent/Guardian 2 Postal / Zip Code

Goalline Sports Administration Systems
Powered by Stack Sports Hockey Software